Ep 93: Dallas Series: The "Intermission" Edition – 07.24.18

This week the crew takes a short break to regroup and talk through the previous episodes of the Dallas Series. They focus on the 45th Anniversary of the killing of Santos Rodriguez by Dallas Police on July 24, 1973, and talk through the interviews of Dr. George Keaton and former police Chief David Brown.

Show Notes:
Santos Rodriguez - https://blog.smu.edu/dedmancollege/2018/07/15/dallas-rights-groups-announce-events-to-mark-45-th-anniversary-of-santos-rodriguez-murder/



Mothers Against Police Brutality - http://mothersagainstpolicebrutality.org/

Mass Grave Discovered in Texas: https://twitter.com/CBSNews/status/1018258900137775105

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