Ep 68: The "Is There a Place for Female Professors at Seminary?" Edition — 01.30.18

This week the WTD Crew - Ashley, Elijah, and Ryan - look at a blog post by Pastor John Piper asking the question, is it biblical for a woman to teach at a seminary. The Crew breaks down the concepts of egalitarian and complimentarian while discussing Piper’s views. Can patriarchy be divorced from complimentarian systems of interpretation? Does egalitarianism free itself of patriarchal confines? Ashley, Elijah, and Ryan attempt to unravel some of these concepts as well as discuss their own personal positions.


Show notes:
I Am Not Your Negro (free until 1/31/18) - http://www.pbs.org/independentlens/videos/i-am-not-your-negro/
Sojourner Truth - Ain’t I A Woman? - https://sourcebooks.fordham.edu/mod/sojtruth-woman.asp
Running Into the Sun (Album) - http://www.stbeautyband.com


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