Show Notes:

Presented By: Dette Flies, Lake Lady Custom Rods, Reyr Gear


Joel Hill is here today to dig into some steelhead fly tying patterns. Joel shares some tips for marrying wings, how to get your proportions just right, and some of his favorite flies that work great for sea-run and steelhead fishing. We pick some random flies on his Instagram and talk about how he tied them. He has a unique way of using tubes to tie his favorites. There are a few resources that Joel mentions like books and Facebook groups that can help you get better at fly-tying. Another Instagram fly tying phenom!

Fly Tying Patterns Show Notes with Joel Hill

04:41 - Jason Miller was on the podcast at WFS 235

05:30 - Check out Joel and Jason's fly tying video here

07:31 - One of Joel's favorite flies to tie is the Moonlight Dee

09:07 - Dec Hogan's Skagit Mist Variation

09:19 - Dec Hogan was on the podcast at WFS 020

12:31 - The Snow Queen Variation - Joel breaks down the materials

16:25 - Muddler Size 8

17:37 - Joel uses Firehole hook for his muddlers

18:15 - If Joel is going for summer steelhead, his go-to fly is the Purple Muddler

18:29 - The Herl wing GP idea

19:23 - Benn's Black Prince

25:15 - Black King Spey

26:56 - They don't make McNeese hooks anymore

28:29 - One of Joel's favorite hooks is the TMC 700 - another one like this is the Firehole 839

38:20 - John Shewey was on the podcast at WFS 296

39:01 - Joel's fiberglass drift boat

43:23 - There's a group on Facebook called The Spey Tyer and people there are very helpful - click here to join that group - also the group The Dee Tyer

44:50 - Joel mentions some of his influences in fly tying

47:29 - Joel recommends watching Davie McPhail YouTube videos

48:29 - Joel is getting into photography

50:53 - Joel uses a Kona bike

52:01 - John Wells dyes feathers

54:46 - Puget Sound Fly Co in Tacoma WA is where Joel gets most of his materials

Fly Tying Patterns Conclusion with Joel Hill

Joel and I dug into some steelhead fly tying patterns and he shared some tips for marrying wings, how to get your proportions just right, and some of his favorite flies that work great for sea-run and steelhead fishing. We picked some random flies on his Instagram and talked about how he tied them. It's amazing how Joel puts together colors for his patterns.. truly an artist.

Show Notes: