Show Notes:

Klaus Frimor shares a great perspective on scandi lines and casting (aka underhand casting).  Klaus tells his story about growing up in Denmark and how his connection with Loop came to be.

Klaus is the main rod designer for single and two handed rods for Loop.  Klaus shares his perspective on how and why spey casting and spey lines are different if Europe vs the US.

Show Notes with Klaus Frimor

- I noted Martin with the Global Fly Fisher who was on the podcast in episode 99.

- Klaus talks about running into Göran Anderson who founded Loop.

- Underhand casting described by Göran Anderson as described further here.

- We talk about the Line Speed Jedi aka Tim Rawlins.  Tim was on the podcast in episode 27 and wanted to ask Klaus about the limits of underhand casting.

- I noted the Mariusz Wroblewski episode where we talked about skagit rods for winter steelhead.

- Guideline is the other big company out of the UK that is leading the way in fly fishing around Europe.

- We talked about the RIO Slick Shooter Running line.  

- Klaus noted Zack Williams and the excellence to spey casting.  Here's a video of Zack breaking out some good stuff. 

- Here's a link to Klaus' video and crash course in scandi casting.

- I last saw Klaus at the Sandy Spey Clave.

- Simon Gawesworth was on the podcast in episode 9. 

- Klaus noted that he thinks the Airflo Poly Leaders are the devil himself.

- The GDC Lines from Loop cover the scandi lines.

- The Green Butt Skunk and the Blue Charm are good flies for A. Salmon and steelhead.

- The Loop Speed Runner is the goto steelhead real for Klaus.

You can find Klaus here at Loop.

Resources Noted in the Show

Videos Noted in the Show

Klaus Frimor Scandi Casting

Zack Williams on Spey Cast Angle

We talk about how scandi casting came to be and why it's not just about a line.  It's about a completely new way of thinking.  Klaus Frimor describes where people are missing on the exact meaning of underhand casting.

And if you’re interested in the right spey rod for steelhead, Click here: to see the Echo Spey Rod that has helped me drastically improve my spey cast and find more steelhead at a super reasonable cost (You also get a free spey line if you pickup the Echo Spey).  By the way, the link above is an affiliate link, which means I earn a commission if you do end up purchasing through that link.  It’s at no extra cost to you, and please if you have any questions related to this product, please let me know and I’d be happy to answer them for you.

Show Notes: