Show Notes:

I talked to Brian Oakland from Got Fishing to talk about the big Giveaway for the Pyramid Lake Fishing Trip.  The Giveaway launched this week along with Dennis from Wild Fish Wild Places.  Brian Sheds some light on Pyramid Lake and why it's such a big destination in North American and how you might catch a 20 lb trout.

Here's a link to the Pyramid Lake Giveaway:

Show Notes for the Pyramid Lake Fishing Giveaway

We talked about how Got Fishing is different from Yellow Dog and who Brian caters to with Got Fishing.

Here's the video that shows what ladder fishing at Pyramid Lake is all about.  Brian clarifies why they use ladders at Pyramid.

I noted the giveaway where you can find it at  This will always be the new location for giveaways going into the future and we should have 3 more big giveaways this year.

Phil Rowley broke down balanced leaches and stillwater tips on the podcast in episode 34 here.

We talk about Dennis and the Wild Fish Wild Places TV show where he travels around the world talking about fishing.

Brian notes AdamsBuilt Fishing as one of our bonus companies that is providing

Mike at the Reno Fly Shop can take care of you.  There are a few podcasts on Pyramid Lake including the Barbless Podcast.

Jurassic Lake is another destination trip coming up this year for Brian and Got Fishing.


You can find Brian at


Videos Note in the Show

How to Ladder FishJurassic Lake with Wild Fish Wild Places

Conclusion for the Giveaway

We get a chance to meet the Brian Oakland, man behind and one of our partner companies with this Pyramid Lake giveaway that is live right now.  Goto to enter to win.

Show Notes: