10/14/16 - Josh Wigler and Jo Garfein pick their hats and ship on out to Sweetwater in their Westworld episode two recap.

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Welcome to Westworld! Every week, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Jo Garfein (@jopinionated) will discuss the new HBO series about an old west theme park built in a futuristic world, populated by robot hosts and human guests. Theories, analysis, and overall madness is sure to ensue.

This week, the podcast arrives a little bit late as Jo has just returned from her trip to Hawaii World. She makes sure to give her hot takes on the premiere (spoiler: she liked it lots!) before diving into theories derived from episode two. Are William and Logan exactly as they appear, or is there a twist to their storyline? What are the repercussions of Maeve’s awakening — and, just as importantly, what’s causing the awakening? Josh and Jo are officially on “mole patrol,” among other topics discussed in the podcast.

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Send your questions and theories in through our feedback form, and ping Josh and Jo on Twitter.

Read Josh’s THR Pieces on Westworld:

** Westworld at New York Comic Con

** Thandie Newton on Harrowing Westworld Scene

The post Westworld Season 1 Episode 2 Recap | Chestnut appeared first on PostShowRecaps.com.

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