09/29/16 - Join Josh Wigler and Jo Garfein as they explore Westworld, the new HBO series about gunslingers, robots and more.

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Welcome to Westworld! Every week, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Jo Garfein (@jopinionated) will discuss the new HBO series about an old west theme park built in a futuristic world, populated by robot hosts and human guests. Theories, analysis, and overall madness is sure to ensue.

In their first podcast, Josh and Jo set the table for what to expect with Westworld, charting the all-star cast (including Anthony Hopkins and Ed Harris) and creative team (J.J. Abrams’ Bad Robot production company, as well as The Dark Knight writer and Person of Interest creator Jonathan Nolan), the show’s origins as a 1973 film, the themes they expect to see play out over the course of the first season, and more.

Keep an eye out for the following helpful links to go live once the podcast begins in earnest:

1. You’ll be able to subscribe at postshowrecaps.com/westworld

2. You’ll be able to e-mail in at [email protected]

3. You’ll be able to find us at WelcomeToWestworld.com

For now, send your questions and theories in through our feedback form, and ping Josh and Jo on Twitter.

Check out Jo’s Work at Cancer Gets LOST
Read Josh’s THR Pieces on Westworld:

** Interview with Westworld creators Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy

** Everything to Know About Westworld‘s Key Terms and People

The post Westworld Preview | Welcome to Westworld appeared first on PostShowRecaps.com.

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