12/01/16 - Enjoy this bonus episode of the Welcome to Westworld podcast, a crossover with the Jay Jack & Mike podcast.

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Welcome to Westworld! Every week, Josh Wigler (@roundhoward) and Jo Garfein (@jopinionated) will discuss the new HBO series about an old west theme park built in a futuristic world, populated by robot hosts and human guests. Theories, analysis, and overall madness is sure to ensue.

It’s time for a bonus podcast! Josh and Jo were guests on the Jay, Jack and Mike Westworld podcast this week, summarizing their feelings about the show so far and planting the flag on some finale predictions. Their podcast is featured in our feed for your listening pleasure. Enjoy!

Click here to subscribe to the Jay and Jack podcast.

The post Westworld Finale Preview With Josh, Jo, Jay, Jack and Mike appeared first on PostShowRecaps.com.

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