First, disenchanted viewers turned their guns on "Westworld." Now, frustrated listeners are setting their sights on us. From who Elsie actually is, to the Man in Black's conversation with Emily, to Emily's real name, you had a lot to say about Season 2 Episode 6: "Phase Space." With more than 100 emails received this week, it's another packed episode of the Westworld Telegraph.

Plus, we get a voicemail from last Telegraph's mysterious Butt Dialer, and one listener argues the Man in Black isn't even a main character!

Take the plunge with us, then write in your thoughts at [email protected] for Thursday's listener mail Telegraph.

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Tags: Westworld, Westworld TV Series, Westworld Theories, Westworld Spoilers, Westworld Series, Westworld Review, Westworld Recap, Westworld Questions, Westworld podcast, Westworld 2016, TV Series, TV Podcast, Shat The Movies, Shat On TV, Science fiction, Michael Crichton, HBO Westworld, HBO Series, HBO Podcast, Game of Thrones