In December of 1776, Revolutionary activist Thomas Paine published the first of a series of pamphlets which, all together, were called "The American Crisis" (or sometimes just "The Crisis").  They were designed to rally the American people and the Continental army during the hard beginning of the American Revolutionary War.  Paine's opening remarks may be familiar: "These are the times that try men's souls..." 
Paine's urging that the people not give up hope, that justice takes a long time coming, and that proper dedication of energy and resources is needed to counter tyranny of all sorts, might still ring true for us today.  As we mark the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, let us look back through history at a few other trying times for encouragement and inspiration.

*NOTICE* In most cases, the podcast consists only of the primary presentation. From time to time, our “Story For All Ages” is also included; a question and answer period is sometimes included as well. Due to copyright law regarding music performances, music is never included.

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