Most Americans mistakenly think that slavery is a thing of the past--something that was done away with here in the United States, and generally in most of the western world, in the middle of the 19th century.  Of course, many of us are aware that slavery still exists in other countries, but are we paying attention to how we ourselves are supporting slave labor when we go online or to the mall?  It’s time we started thinking about the supply chains for our globally produced goods (which is most of what we use) and hold ourselves accountable to know where and how our toys, furniture, technology, clothing and other material goods are made, and whether or not slave labor was part of their production.  Come learn some tools for waking up and taking action.

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*NOTICE* In most cases, the podcast consists only of the primary presentation. From time to time, our “Story For All Ages” is also included; a question and answer period is sometimes included as well. Due to copyright law regarding music performances, music is never included.