The greatest lie we tell ourselves is often the most cruel.

That we, standing amongst so many others just like ourselves, live lives without reason or purpose. That we are insignificant, useless, or even disposable.

It’s a lie that seems to come down out of the sky, like acid rain, etching itself into anyone unlucky enough to be caught out in the storm, and disintegrating those of us who can make their home nowhere but the gutters.

In this, the first part of a four part series, we join a young person, a human animal cast loose of the nest by a sudden death of one parent, and the just as unexpected madness of another. Setting out on a journey to understand a new and unfamiliar life, this child will come across demons both external and internal, and characters both familiar and unfamiliar to you dear reader.

Just as our hero begins the long trek across the odd and varied lands of America, we will find ourselves crossing story after story on the way to an end that is little more than a beginning. The start of the end of everything.

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This month’s recommendations:

Book of the month: The Talisman by Stephen King and Peter Straub

Random Horror Recommendation: The Wailing