This is the SERMON only audio of the worship service. The video stream of the entire Contemporary and Traditional services is available at If you have any questions or comments, you can reach Westport Road Baptist Church through our Facebook page, our website, direct email to [email protected], or by contacting the church office at 502.425.2350Reading from Psalm 118, all disciples are called to THANK the Lord for his steadfast love endures forever (Psalm 118:1-4). We are to thank God because His everlasting love guides us through the challenges of life (Psalm 118:5-21). First, God is greater than our ENEMIES. Second, God is the only source of true, consistent help. Third, He is our strength, DEFENSE, and salvation. Finally, this should lead us to thank and praise the Lord. An ungrateful person is SINNING by missing all that God has done in their lives (Psalm 118:22-24). So, consider all God has done and thank and PRAISE Him! (Psalm 118:25-29)