This one starts a little bit slow. Jonah wanted to do an examination of what potential writer's festivals have become in this world of many other distractions. This kinda gets done? But basically commits the same sin that was meant to be avoided. Namely, dropping info that most of you wont really have that much context for. Reminder that we have a Western Thought Patreon now. Why would anyone pay for this? I mean I've never subscribed to anyone else's Patreon, why should you? I hate being a hypocrite in this fashion - but there's only so much better that we can hope to be. Yes, like any novelist one should at the very least consider the serious limitations of ones immediate relevance. When one creates artifacts they lack dynamism, the kind of happy go lucky self congratulation and pivoting that comedy podcasts do so well. It might be kinda funny for me to go on in this fashion - but I guess I'm no comedian, really.