Pastor Joyce Swingle explains the origins of Valentine's Day and preaches on the intriguing incident that resulted in the Hill of Foreskins mentioned in Joshua 5:1-9. If you've ever wondered what that was all about, check out Pastor Joyce's discoveries. She also shares her testimony of how the Lord helped her grow after she started her relationship with Him.

Rich Swingle opens the service. He mentions that the latest Treasure Seekers episode is now available below this post on under our Welcome. Pastor Joyce mentions Rich's one-person sketch called "The Covenant Keeper." You can find out more about that at

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Though we're not going to post our Annual Meeting, those of you who were there heard Pastor Jim Warren talk about how we're swimming against the "fish" of this world.

The opening credits for The Chosen, the excellent series based on the life of Jesus and his disciples, captures this same concept:

Our service is available for download free on iTunes, where you can also subscribe to our podcast. Search for "Westchester Chapel" on the iTunes Store.

If you want to more about starting a relationship with Jesus Christ visit

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