Previous Episode: Exodus 12:29-51
Next Episode: Leviticus 9:22 - 10:3

It is written that after Moses had finished constructing the tent of meeting according to God's words, the tabernacle where God and his people were to meet was filled with the glory of the Lord. It is the greatest and most unspeakable privilege for any person to come into the presence of God Almighty, infinite in his glory and majesty. This is what the tabernacle was representing, that God provided a way for a sinful and unworthy humanity to come into his presence. 

Yet the bible is clear that Moses' tabernacle was but a shadow of the true temple of God, made not by human hands, but provided for entirely by God. This true tabernacle is the Lord Jesus Christ, the eternal "Word who has become flesh and dwelt among us" (John 1:14). Only through receiving Jesus can any of us come into God's presence. To refuse Christ is to remain under condemnation, cut off from God. Have you received Jesus today by faith? As the Lord himself declares, he alone is "the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through him" (John 14:6).