In this week's episode, we're wrapping up our weird space horror movies of the 90s rock block with the 1996 film "Leprechaun 4: In Space." Special topics for your consideration include: the fact that the subtitle of this film is merely "In Space," interesting naming choices, special effects that are charming if somewhat terrible, more of the following things: space marines! poorly lit spaceships! breast-based death curses! and finally, a whole lot of "what? why??"

Did you miss our other episode from the Leprechaun franchise? It's Episode 39- "Leprechaun in the Hood." Did you miss our other 90s space horror movies? Check out last week's, Episode 262- "Hellraiser: Bloodline" and a few weeks back, Episode 259- "Jason X."

No video this week, pals-- we're going to retool and get back to it in a few weeks. 

But if you just can't get enough of us, you can get our faces printed on a t-shirt, throw pillow and more at If our faces aren't doing it for you, may we suggest Brian from "Wings"??

Have you seen this one? What did you think? Let us know your thoughts at, on Twitter @werebulance or on Instagram @werewolfambulance. You can also email us for our segment "MAILBAG!" at [email protected] and if you're feeling super generous, leave us a rating and a review on Apple podcasts or wherever you can. Or hey, just tell a friend about us. Thank you for helping us continue to grow. 

Werewolf Ambulance is a horror movie comedy podcast.