NASA's Lunar Gateway is an international partnership that plans to put a small station in orbit around the Moon in 2024. Canada, the first country to join the program, will contribute a next-generation robotic arm to facilitate the station's work - Canadarm3. Ken Podwalski, Gateway Program Manager at the Canadian Space Agency, joins Jake to talk about the arm, it's role at Gateway, and Canada's plans for the future in space.

We talk Canadarm3 and GatewayCanada becomes first nation to sign on to GatewayMDA awarded Candarm3 ContractCanada to send astronauts to the Moon with NASAFollow the Canadian Space AgencyCanada's Canadarm3 Website at CSAFollow Jake & WeMartiansWeMartians.comPatreon ( Shop ( List ( (@we_martians)Jake’s Twitter (@JakeOnOrbit)Off-Nominal Podcast

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