Join Susan in exploring your connection to this abdominal chakra. The abdominal chakra, also called the belly chakra, is a center for emotional expression, the vital dynamic of creativity and for connecting to our deepest knowing. It's governed by the element of water and invites greater fluidity to the mind and body.

This podcast is sponsored in part by Union Pacific and Merchants Bank of Commerce. This podcast is offered freely to ensure everyone has access to these practices and conversations offered by Wellness Within Cancer Support Services. If you feel inspired to donate to support Wellness Within offerings, please visit

There are certain things that are essential to living a healthy, happy, meaningful life. Susan believes that yoga is one of them and had dedicated her life to sharing it with others. She has taught and practiced yoga for over 45 years. Susan specializes in adapting basic yoga poses to fit individual bodies and includes mindfulness, breathing, and concentration to connect a person more deeply to themselves. She approaches yoga in a gentle way and creates a class around who is present. She takes suggestions about what people need on any given day and weaves them together for a more inclusive experience. Susan establishes a safe atmosphere and encourages a sense of community for the class, even within personal exploration. Through breathing techniques, laughter, philosophy, poetry, and reverence, her classes are designed to give her students an accessible life skill that will serve them in their daily lives.

#meditation #intuition #mindfulness #wellnesswithin #healingcancer #chakra

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