We’re right in the midst of holiday season when people usually go off the rails with their healthy intentions That, combined with the challenges of this year may leave you regretting some of your food choices when January 1st rolls around.

In this Bonus “Raw and Uncut” Episode Michal has a special gift for you, as a herartfelt thanks for your support.

Wellness Warriors Healthy Holiday Treats - FREE Recipe ebook Gift!

As our episode bonus, we’ve put together a special holiday gift just for you!  You're going to love these simple and delicious recipes for healthier versions of some of our (and hopefully your) favorite holiday treats. You'll be surprised that during the holiday season you can indulge in some delicious foods that can still keep your body and your belly happy! Grab your free Holiday Treats Recipes now and post and share on our Wellness Warriors Community!   

After listening, share your own experience on this topic and post your questions in our Wellness Warriors Facebook Group!

Freebies to Support Your Wellness Goals:

Wellness Warriors Radio Healthy Holiday Treats: bit.ly/wwrholidaytreats

Links to Resources:

Become a Health Coach!

We have the best job in the world! Interested in studying health and nutrition and doing what we do? Check out the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program at bit.ly/wellnesswarriorsiin

Access all our episodes, special offers and programs at the Wellness Warriors Website at bit.ly/wellnesswarriorsradio

Want to be featured on the show?  Submit an application at bit.ly/wwfeature and we’d love to share your work or testimonial!

Contribute to the Wellness Warriors Radio GoFundMe Campaign at https://www.gofundme.com/wellness-warriors-radio

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Submit a Question for the Podcast or Work with Us: [email protected]

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Follow Us on Instagram:  www.instagram.com/wellnesswarriorsradio @wellnesswarriorsradio

Connect with Beth:

Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching



Connect with Michal:

Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness

