Wellness Warriors Radio is your go-to resource for open and candid conversation about the nuances of health and wellness. In each episode discover a unique perspective on living optimally.  Join us to discuss a wide-range of health topics – sometimes controversial, sometimes with opposing views – setting the stage for you to decide what works best for YOU.

This week, Beth interviews Liz Lipski, Professor and Director of Academic Development for graduate programs in Nutrition & Integrative Health at the Maryland University of Integrative Health (MUIH).  

Beth has the pleasure of collaborating with Liz frequently as a MUIH colleague and she’s excited to share information about a new Microbiome Master Class Series they developed together so you can learn all about the human microbiome and health!

A number of health conditions and chronic diseases have been linked to the makeup of your microbiome, including depression, obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, Crohn’s disease, brain diseases, autism, and allergies.  In fact, the microbiome could be one of the single most important factors to consider for optimal wellness!

In this episode we talk about…

What is the microbiome? Why the microbiome is so important to overall health Strategies for supporting a healthy microbiome The future of microbiome research


And much more!


After listening, keep the conversation flowing in the Wellness Warriors Radio Facebook Group. You’re an important part of our tribe and we love engaging with you!

Mentioned in the Show:

Want to learn more about the Microbiome for yourself or your clients?  Enroll in the MUIH Microbiome Master Class Series: www.muih.edu/ce

Change the Future of Health and Healthcare:

We have the best job in the world! Interested in studying health and nutrition and doing what we do? Check out the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program at bit.ly/wellnesswarriorsiin  

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Say hi to Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching

Say hi to Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness
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