EP11 Wellness Warriors Radio: Pete Servold of Pete’s Paleo - Eating Your Passion

Wellness Warriors Radio is your go-to resource for open and candid conversation about the nuances of health and wellness. In each episode discover a unique perspective on living optimally.  Join us to discuss a wide-range of health topics – sometimes controversial, sometimes with opposing views – setting the stage for you to decide what works best for YOU.

This week, Michal interviews Pete Servold, creator of the incredible paleo food delivery service, Pete’s Paleo.  A chef by trade, Pete has worked in the culinary industry for years and now brings his expertise and passion for incredible healthy paleo food options to people across the United States.  

In this episode, we discuss…


What it is like to work in the mainstream restaurant industry - the struggles and the benefits that come from a love of the culinary world. How Pete’s career in the restaurant industry, and the event of meeting his wife, inspired a change in his own life. Why Pete decided to start Pete’s Paleo and how he worked to get the business  off the ground and into people’s homes.   Great tips on how to cook paleo and incorporate meals conveniently into your life. Some other interesting facts about what makes Pete tick.  

Links Mentioned in this Episode:


Pete’s Paleo Website:  https://www.petespaleo.com/


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Connect with Beth:

Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching




Connect with Michal:

Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness

