Welcome to Wellness Warriors Radio, a podcast made to help encourage you to forge your own path to finding YOUR health, creating YOUR happiness, joining YOUR tribe, and most importantly, doing it YOUR way.  Meet the hosts, Beth and Michal, 2 health coaches and wellness enthusiasts determined to transcend the norm, and emphasize the fact that it’s never one size fits all when it comes to health.

In this week’s episode Beth and Michal are joined by Dave Rhode, the founder and CEO of Paleo on the Go, a meal delivery service built for the paleo diet. Paleo on the Go focuses on sourcing organic and humanely treated paleo ingredients, while also  making it easy to eat healthy, real food in today’s busy culture.

Listen as they discuss:

The personal motives surrounding why Dave started Paleo on the Go The details and symptoms of Dave’s autoimmune condition What exactly is a paleo diet? How does it differ from an autoimmune paleo diet? The story behind Paleo on the Go? What is it like behind the scenes of Paleo on the Go? The difficulties of sourcing real food The common phrase “I can’t afford to eat healthy” Paleo on the Go partnering with the WWR Sugar Detox


Be sure to go to www.PaleoOnTheGo.com and use the discount code POTGDetox for $16 off the Sugar Detox Bundle, the result of the POTG and WWR partnership.

We have the best job in the world! Interested in studying health and nutrition and doing what we do? Check out the Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach Training Program at bit.ly/wellnesswarriorsiin  

Sign Up for the Wellness Warriors Radio Sugar
Detox Interest Group: bit.ly/wwdetox

Join the WWR Sugar Detox at bit.ly/wwrdetoxfun.

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Access all our episodes, special offers and
programs at the Wellness Warriors Website:

Connect with Beth:

Beth @ MyHealthyTransitions Health Coaching



Connect with Michal:

Michal @ Michal Ofer Lifestyle and Wellness

