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To meet Jeff today, you would meet a successful fitness coach, a professional bodybuilder, and a happily married man.  But this wasn't always the case. 

Behind this success story is a roundabout journey that involves love lost, a career that got shut down, and ultimately pushed Jeff into doing what he is doing today.

JEFF SAYS: "We believe in serving others with honesty and integrity. The fitness industry is broken, and we intend to fix it! Dishonesty rules the day and negatively impacts the millions of people that are influenced by sleazy marketing tactics and short-term quick fixes that lead to long-term problems.

The individuals on the L8R team live our core values and have a passion for helping others, health, fitness, and having a lot of fun. We work hard and play hard! The family feeling here is noticed immediately and we welcome new members in with open arms. If you resonate with our core values then join us! If you don’t…go elsewhere!"






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MENTORSHIP: https://www.jonmclernon.com

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CRUSH YOUR CRAVINGS GUIDE: https://www.freedomnutritioncoach.com/book  ⁣

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PODCAST: https://freedomnutrition.rocks/btba-podcast