We’re Third Space Wellness and we’re unlocking the keys to your wellbeing – this time we’re talking about enjoying the holiday season so you don’t revert to embarrassing teenage behavior or worse, one of these types:

Hosts for this episode are Joy Andrews, Rachel Brumberger, and Sam Dublin, the co-owners of Third Space Wellness in Downtown Silver Spring. Joy and Rachel are licensed acupuncturists and wellness consultants/educators. Sam is a yoga teacher and fitness instructor. We are bringing our experiences as entrepreneurs, teachers, wellness coaches, worker bees, spouses, friends, and pet lovers to the table.
In this episode we discuss how to survive the holiday chaos with , hydration, watching out for sugar hangovers, baths with salts, essential oils, and most importantly a lesson in saying, “NO!”
And, have you heard about?! We’ll discuss why we love it as part of our natural product feature and we’ll also address Q & A from the community about germs, germs, and more germs…
 Warning: Sometimes we use bad language. We’re guilty of potty mouth (actually it’s mostly Rachel).
More on your hosts and keeping in touch:
Joy really likes Candy Corn and potato chips (not necessarily together). She’s recently acquired a few new pairs of super cool glasses so she can do multiple costume changes daily, and while she is full of gratitude in life she is not the biggest fan of the traditional Thanksgiving meal. In her acupuncture practice she is awesome at helping people unleash their best and most confident selves. Connect directly via twitter .
Rachel has a terrible habit of buying new lip balm every time she’s out at the store so she has a ridiculous collection at home. She’s envious of Joy’s collection of awesome new frames, and she pledges to learn how to play the guitar in 2015. In her acupuncture practice she rocks at asking questions that have her patients say, “Whoa! How did you know that?” If you want to connect directly hit us up on twitter  #TSWRachel and Joy or Sam will get the message to our behind-the-times social media girl.
Sam is an avid collector of Russian nesting dolls and greeting cards. She is always on the lookout for her next pen pal and may be single handedly trying to save the Post Office. She loves English bulldogs, balloons, and bubble wrap. When she teaches yoga, watch out cause you will leave stronger and more flexible than you ever thought was even possible. Connect with her directly via twitter .
Questions and future topic requests encouraged! Send your thoughts or questions to [email protected] or Tweet  #WellnessUnlocked.
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