Hosts for this episode are Joy Andrews, Rachel Brumberger, and Sam Dublin, the co-owners of Third Space Wellness in Downtown Silver Spring. Joy and Rachel are licensed acupuncturists and wellness consultants/educators. Sam is a yoga teacher and fitness instructor. We are bringing our experiences as entrepreneurs, teachers, wellness coaches, worker bees, spouses, friends, and pet lovers to the table.
This is an episode all about the feminine life force called bleeding. Tune in to find out where your period falls in the spectrum of normal; we cover what makes a flow heavy, what are different types of cramps, what clotting means, number of days in your cycle, what PMS and PMDD mean, whether mood swings are real, what to do if you can’t sleep during your period, scheduling your life around your natural energy highs and lows, and more! So many details you might want to brace yourself. And take notes.
We discuss the importance of making sure you’re high up on your own priority list, so that you’re happy, or at least seeking satisfaction in life, because that has a direct affect on your period.
More info available at