This week’s guest is Jeff Howard, a somatic psychotherapist based out of Boulder, Colorado with a practice called Three Leaves Counseling. Somatic therapy is a body-centered therapy that looks at the connection of mind and body and uses a combination of talk and physical therapy for holistic healing. Jeff is also a popular men’s group facilitator, writer, musician, and father who values honesty, humility, and growth. Jeff is fascinated by people and the reasons that we behave the way we do, and it’s that fascination that inspires and challenges him to work in counseling, lead men’s groups, lean into discomfort, and take continual risks to be more vulnerable and alive, while actively working to find ways for more of himself to be in the world.

Listen on to find out what led Jeff to get started with men’s groups in the first place and learn what exactly happens in these mysterious bi-weekly meetings. They’ll talk about why having a manageable dose of anxiety and discomfort can actually benefit us all, the importance of using “I” statements, and finally, for those wanting to create your own group, you’ll hear details about what it takes to create one that’s effective, intentional, and valuable for everybody involved.

There’s a lot we can learn from Jeff Howard’s work with men’s groups — the beauty in gathering in groups, with the space and the intention to connect, the magic in slowing down, and the growth in leaning into discomfort and a little bit of anxiety. We hope this episode inspires you to go out and start your own social groups. If you have any questions for Jeff, reach out to him through his website, and keep an eye out for Jeff to launch the Whole Man Collective later this summer!