Part of "a sustained attack on localism"
That is how our Mayor Andy Foster is describing the new housing rules announced by both Labour and National Party MPs yesterday.
The new rules could mean homeowners can subdivide and build up to three homes, three storeys high as a default, without a consent fight.
It is expected to mean up to 105,500 new homes built in the next five to eight years. 
But Wellington Mayor Andy Foster was set to release his city's new draft plan and Council was discussing it today.
Foster says the council now is going to have to tear the residential part of it up and they'll have to re-think roads, pipes and bus routes.
He told Newstalk ZB central government needs to work and communicate with local government. 
But National MP and spokesperson for housing and urban development Nicola Willis told Nick Mills Foster should welcome the policy. 
Wellington Mornings host Nick Mills asked Willis if government ministers don't trust councils to sort out big issues.

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