Yesterday the first sod was turned at the Aotea Quay roundabout, which is set to replace a traffic light-controlled intersection just North of Sky Stadium. 

The new roundabout is at one of Wellington's key arterial routes, that carries more than 32-thousand vehicles a day. It's set to streamline access to the ferry terminal and freight yards in the city centre. 

Let’s be clear, after spending the last ten months based at Sky Stadium I think this roundabout is a great idea. Well, as long as it doesn't congest the traffic heading North at peak time. 

But what really concerns me, is the comment Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau made during the ceremony. 

She said Wellington is in for a decade of pain as infrastructure is improved, but it has to happen.

She warned we will see a lot more road cones, but likes to think of them as markers of progress.

Please think about that. 

More cones around the city? We have more cones around Wellington right now than Tip Top ever made. 

I'm sorry, but I can’t even imagine more cones. 

Have you driven around Wellington lately? 

There has been talk around town following Cyclone Gabrielle as to whether funding for existing projects will be reprioritised. 

However Transport Minister Michael Wood is adamant Let’s Get Wellington Moving projects will be unaffected. 

But, and there is a big but, he said Let's Get Wellington Moving is not future proofed against a change of government. 

Remember National and Act firmly oppose this, so who knows what will happen if they take over. 

But Wellington Mayor Tory Whanau says she’ll advocate for the project regardless of who is Prime Minister. She’s already met with the opposition and has made it clear that investment is needed. 

Although I strongly want our city to move forward, and to be better, I am completely opposed to Let’s Get Wellington Moving. 

I, like every Wellingtonian, want to move forward, but can’t we improve just one step at a time?

Completely pedestrianising our CBD will never work either in the short term or long, purely because of weather. 

Finally, I see an out. 

A change of government could stop Let's Get Wellington Moving completely. 

I must admit, Tory Whanau saying we are in for a decade of pain, terrifies me. 

That could be the true Let’s Get Wellington Moving moment.

However, the moving will out of the city, and far away.











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