Adar and I get quite deep in this extensive chat about so many topics including, but not limited to: purpose, activism, his drive to bring change, Adar’s neutral perspective of the Israeli - Palestinian conflict, evolutionary biology, psychedelics, veganism and how it’s a great lifestyle to strive for merely to lessen our consumption, benefit our health and reduce environmental toxins, tribal times and how we can relate most of our reactions and instincts to that of our evolutionary makeup as human beings, and we lightly touch on ghosts, religion, after-life and karma.

Adar for sure knows how to inspire change and understands it doesn't happen overnight, but believes the least we can do is to talk about it and find small ways or initiatives to elevate the conversation.



Minds of Peace

Beyond Meat and Impossible Burger

Yuval Harari - Sapiens

Sam Harris

Bret Weinstein - Evolutionary Biologist

Richard Dawkins - The Selfish Gene

Jordan Peterson

Bernie Sanders

Greta Thunberg's Twitter- 16 year old girl students climate march

Elon Musk






Spiritually Nutritious (Allee)

Twitter Mentions