In this episode, we do a re-cap with some of the participants from Season 2 of the Bent Spoon - Cristian Cortes, Meredith Lee and of course the host of the show, Miss Katalyna. As this is the last show Jessie will ever be doing after hosting Well Well Well for nearly 8 + years, Miss Katalyna decides to turn the tables and ask some questions of her own before continuing on with the show!

See below links for some of the projects mentioned in the podcast.

The Bent Spoon
An online cooking series where members of the Multicultural LGBTIQ Community share a traditional dish from their culture and tell their personal story to the rest of the world.

Stay Homo
An online mental health campaign developed by the community, for the community with links to several helpful resources and referrals to help us through these

The Company of Men Exhibition - Instagram Page
Art exhibition usually run during Midsumma, curated by Damien Hinds, that provided a platform for Queer Artists to display their artwork without fear of censorship - where they explored masculinity through the lens of a gay, bisexual or trans man.

Staying Negative
A platform where regular gay or bisexual guys, including trans guys share their personal story with the world, whether they are HIV negative or HIV positive.