What happens when you invite seven children from Rainbow Families to create a show? You end up with a disco koala, a wildebeest, a farting unicorn and a fairy that can freeze tickle monsters all co-habiting in a very tall, yet tiny Rainbow Tree.

Michael and Rachel chat with Sarah, who listeners may know as their alter ego Yana Alana. Sarah shares with us about this playful, imaginative and interactive comedy show of live original songs produced with show partner Bec from Fat Fruit.

Find out more about Rainbow Fruit on the Midsumma website




Thorne Harbour Health is turning 40 years young and we are kicking things off with our biggest pride march EVER!

With the theme, WE ARE FAMILY, Thorne Harbour Health invites you, your family and friends to march with us and show your PRIDE! We will be debuting the biggest pride flag ever seen this side of the hemisphere, spanning a whopping thirty plus metres to marchthrough the streets of Melbourne! Along with other special bits and pieces, this will be our most spectacular pride entry ever to be seen and we would love you to join us!

Everyone that marches with us will be provided with a Thorne Harbour Health commemorative 40th anniversary t-shirt, a commemorative pin and be treated to a special fully catered picnic in Catani Gardens.

We have lots of special things planned for this history making march, so stay tuned and register now!

REGISTER TO MARCH WITH US  https://thorneharbour.typeform.com/to/MP7CZgTv