James from Victorian Alcohol & Drug Association (VAADA) helps us navigate drug checking and minimising drug related harms for LGBTIQA+ communities. In light of the Greens, Legalise Cannabis, and Animal Justice Party's proposed bill on drug checking and harms at summer festivals, we're thankful to James and VAADA for their time.

VAADA works to prevent and reduce Alcohol and Drug-related harms in the Victorian community by ensuring the people experiencing those harms, and the organisations that support them, are well-represented in policy, program development and public discussion.

Find VAADA online at

Facebook: facebook.com/VictorianAlcoholandDrugAssociation
X / Twitter: twitter.com/vaadaenews

Alcohol and Drug resources

Alcohol and Drug Services at Thorne Harbour Health including Rainbow Recovery, Walk In Program, and  TAPS thorneharbour.org/services/alcohol-and-other-drug-services-aod
HRV and the Dancewize program hrvic.org.au/dancewize 
ADF Drug Facts adf.org.au/drug-facts
The Loop wearetheloop.org
Touchbase touchbase.org.au
Sesh.ed instagram.com/sesh.ed
HIV Drug Interactions Checker, including HIV treatment and PrEP: hiv-druginteractions.org/checker  

Check out our other JOY Podcasts for more on LGBTIQ+ health & wellbeing.

If there’s something you’d like us to explore on the show, send through ideas or questions at [email protected]

Find out more about LGBTIQ+ services and events in Victoria at Thorne Harbour Health and in South Australia at SAMESH.

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