Jacinta and Rachel chat to Gabe Curtis, a nurse at Equinox, the peer led trans, gender diverse and nonbinary (TGDNB) health service operated by Thorne Harbour Health. Gabe explains the newest method of cervical screening which is self collection, and also discusses the importance of informed consent and trauma-informed practice for all cervical screenings and health care in general.

Cervical screening is an important screening test for cancer for all people with a cervix.

For more information about cervical screening, Cancer Council Victoria have an information page for LGBTIQ people here.


If any of the content in this podcast impacts you or is distressing, please get in touch with QLife or other support services included on JOY's support page: joy.org.au/support/ 

QLife provides anonymous and free LGBTI peer support and referral for people in Australia wanting to talk about sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings or relationships.
Phone: 1800 184 527 – 3pm-midnight every day Web chat: qlife.org.au