Wine: Honrama Cellars 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon
Welcome back to another episode of Wine & Chisme! In this week's episode, we dive deep into the world of politics and reproductive justice with our special guest, Aurea Bolaños Perea, the brilliant mind behind Guerreras Podcast.
Aurea is not just a political scientist, but also a captivating storyteller and a fierce advocate for reproductive justice. She shares with us the story of how Guerreras Podcast came to be - born out of her own quest for a community that centered the voices of Latinas in discussions around politics, abortion rights, and reproductive justice.
Join us as we explore the evolution of Guerreras Podcast since its launch in 2018. From its humble beginnings to becoming a vital space for discussing the complexities of the Latine identity, the power of the Latine vote, and the intersection of reproductive justice and policymaking, Aurea's journey is nothing short of inspiring.
Throughout the episode, we delve into various topics touched upon in Guerreras Podcast. We discuss the challenges faced by Latinas in politics, the importance of amplifying marginalized voices, and the significance of reproductive justice in shaping equitable policies.
So grab a glass of your favorite wine, sit back, and join us for an insightful conversation filled with empowerment, advocacy, and a dash of chisme!

**Key Topics Discussed:**
- The inception of Guerreras Podcast and Aurea's journey into podcasting.
- The importance of creating spaces for Latinas to discuss politics and reproductive justice.
- Exploring the intersectionality of reproductive justice and policymaking.
- The power of the Latine vote and amplifying marginalized voices in politics.
- Navigating the complexities of the Latine identity in the context of reproductive rights.

**Resources Mentioned:**
- Guerreras Podcast: [Link to Podcast](

Don't forget to follow Aurea on social media for more updates on Guerreras Podcast and her advocacy work!

**Connect with Aurea:**
- Instagram: @aureabolanos
- Twitter: @aureabolanos

Wine: Honrama Cellars 2019 Cabernet Sauvignon

Welcome back to another episode of Wine & Chisme! In this week's episode, we dive deep into the world of politics and reproductive justice with our special guest, Aurea Bolaños Perea, the brilliant mind behind Guerreras Podcast.

Aurea is not just a political scientist, but also a captivating storyteller and a fierce advocate for reproductive justice. She shares with us the story of how Guerreras Podcast came to be - born out of her own quest for a community that centered the voices of Latinas in discussions around politics, abortion rights, and reproductive justice.

Join us as we explore the evolution of Guerreras Podcast since its launch in 2018. From its humble beginnings to becoming a vital space for discussing the complexities of the Latine identity, the power of the Latine vote, and the intersection of reproductive justice and policymaking, Aurea's journey is nothing short of inspiring.

Throughout the episode, we delve into various topics touched upon in Guerreras Podcast. We discuss the challenges faced by Latinas in politics, the importance of amplifying marginalized voices, and the significance of reproductive justice in shaping equitable policies.

So grab a glass of your favorite wine, sit back, and join us for an insightful conversation filled with empowerment, advocacy, and a dash of chisme!

**Key Topics Discussed:**

- The inception of Guerreras Podcast and Aurea's journey into podcasting.

- The importance of creating spaces for Latinas to discuss politics and reproductive justice.

- Exploring the intersectionality of reproductive justice and policymaking.

- The power of the Latine vote and amplifying marginalized voices in politics.

- Navigating the complexities of the Latine identity in the context of reproductive rights.

**Resources Mentioned:**

- Guerreras Podcast: [Link to Podcast](

Don't forget to follow Aurea on social media for more updates on Guerreras Podcast and her advocacy work!

**Connect with Aurea:**

- Instagram: @aureabolanos

- Twitter: @aureabolanos