On June 12, 2011, Jeremy Edge will begin a 190-mile walk from Belmont Park to Saratoga Racecourse. Jeremy, from London, England, was formerly an elected Councillor for the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea and is currently a regular contributor for HRTV.
This walk is just one of many waysJeremy wants to give back to horse racing, and his hope is that it will raise bothawareness and funding for the Permanently Disabled Jockey Fund (PDJF) and for Anna House, the early childhood education center that for benefits the children of the backstretch workers at Belmont Park, sustained by the Belmont Child Care Association (BCCA).   This unique fundraiser will challenge his physical limits and demonstrate the personal commitment of one person to put first those in our horse community who need assistance. Walkathon Pledge Form.   You can find Jeremy on Facebook at Jeremy Edge and Belmont Child Care Association at Belmont Child Care Association.