Eng Taing is the Founder & CEO of Touzi Capital, a real estate investment firm based in Cupertino, California. Before becoming a full-time real estate investor, Eng worked for apple, and during that time, Touzi Capital was founded. Today, Eng is a private fund manager with close to $100M assets under management.


[00:01 – 09:10] Opening Segment

I introduce and welcome our guest, Eng TaingEng talks about his backgroundHow he got started with real estate investing

[09:11 – 16:34] Touzi Capital

What does "Touzi" mean?The story of Touzi CapitalEng talks about his exit from the corporate world

[16:35 – 20:47] The Biggest Driver for Success

Eng's advice for aspiring real estate investors

[20:48 – 28:28] THE FINAL FOUR

What's the worst job that you ever had?A DJ at a college radio stationWhat's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?The War on Normal People by Andrew YangWhat is a skill or talent that you'd like to learn?Performing in front of a lot of peopleWhat does success mean to you?The ability to provide for my family and to be able to impart that ability to othersI want to be able to give the gift and the ability to achieve success to others.Connect with Eng. See the links below.Final thoughts


Tweetable Quotes:

"Your adaptability and your ability to learn is really the biggest driver for success." – Eng Taing

"Be confident in your ability." – Eng Taing


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