Never sell a room until it's perfect. In this episode my guest, Lonny Wolfe, and I talk about the importance of hospitality and how can you thrive in service. 

Lonny Wolfe is the General Manager at Sun Dek Beach House and a Consultant in The Art of Housekeeping. A veteran in hospitality, Lonny started a carpet and upholstery cleaning business when he was just a young teenager and sold it after 24 years with a full-time staff. Lonny moved his family from Canada to Florida and after multiple ventures, he found his footing at Sun Dek Beach House. 

[00:01 – 08:20] From Canada to Florida; Lonny Shares His Story

Lonny talks about being entrepreneurial since he was a young teen, moving to Florida, starting multiple ventures, and the hotel he manages now

[08:21 – 17:08] The Standard of Excellence Converts to Reviews

Lonny details his simple formula for success; high concierge smiles and a clean, safe, hygienic roomCreate an experienceLonny shares some unforgettable stories 

[17:09 – 19:10] How to Thrive in a Highly Competitive Industry

Lonny’s work ethic to succeed in this industry; perfection is the standard 

[19:11 – 27:11] THE FINAL FOUR

What's the worst job that you ever had?At 10-11 years old, Lonny shoveled snow for his neighbors What's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?Be Our Guest: Perfecting the Art of Customer Service by The Disney InstituteWhat is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?Selling real estate  What does success mean to you?Living well. Success in the hotel space is a united team having a victorious day, 365Connect with Lonny. Links available below.

Key Quotes:

“You have to think outside the box, wherever your property is. What can you do differently than the property down the street? How can you take the lead over the competition? What can you do that's different?” - Lonny Wolfe

“I love what I do. And it doesn't matter how nasty a guest is, I kill them with kindness, I smile back, I guarantee regardless of what their disposition is, at that time, I can get them to smile.” -  Lonny Wolfe

“Never sell a room until it's perfect.” -  Lonny Wolfe

Connect with Lonny on LinkedIn or email him at [email protected]

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