Mark Allen is the Executive Managing Director and one of the top brokers at Greystone & Co. Greystone is a real estate finance and investment company. Mark is currently based in Dallas-Fort Worth, and before working as a full-time real estate broker, he used to play in Division 1 Football and served in the US Army as a Field Artillery Officer. 


[00:01 – 08:26] Opening Segment

I introduce and welcome our guest, Mark AllenMark talks about his background and his story heading into the real estate worldPlayed Division 1 Football at West PointThe transition from college football into real estate

[08:27 – 19:21] Multifamily in the Current Market

Mark talks about his book, Buying in BulkSingle-family vs. MultifamilyExpand your single-family portfolio with Mark’s tips from the bookThe current market trendsOpportunities in the marketMultifamily will continue to become a strong asset class heading into the future

[19:22 – 25:50] THE FINAL FOUR

What’s the worst job that you ever had?Sweeping and helping my father out in construction sitesBeing in the army got to the point where I thought it just wasn’t a good fit for me.What’s a book you’ve read that has given you a paradigm shift?The BibleWhat is a skill or talent that you’d like to learn?Learn how to fly a planeWhat does success mean to you?“Achieving your goals.”Connect with Mark. See the links below.Final thoughts


Tweetable Quotes:

“I think multifamily is something that we really need to take a look at when we consider a portfolio.” – Mark Allen

“Success is just setting goals and achieving your goals.” – Mark Allen


Resources Mentioned:

Buying in Bulk by Mark AllenThe Multifamily 5 Podcast – Hosted by Mark Allen


You can connect with Mark on LinkedIn or send him an email at [email protected]


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