Before becoming a real estate entrepreneur, KeePon Cashflow's founder Billy Keels worked in the corporate world. In fact, he was one of the best "corporate soldiers" you'd ever want to meet.

Billy says that he was happy enough in his J.O.B., but something was missing. An emptiness and longing for a different life chewed on him, pulling him to what he knew he wanted to do more than anything else. Billy wanted to be an entrepreneur who brought two worlds together. He wanted to give individuals where he lives the chance to invest in properties on U.S. soil.

[00:01 – 08:16] Billy's Story

Billy talks about his backgroundLiving in Europe while investing in the USAHe discusses why he chooses to invest internationally instead of going local.

[08:17 – 12:44] Multiple Streams of Income

Billy shares what other investments are in his portfolio

[12:45 – 23:29] How to Become a Successful Foreign Investor

We talk about Billy's podcast, the Going Long PodcastBilly discusses how you can invest internationallyBilly's advice for first-time investors

[23:30 – 35:02] THE FINAL FOUR

What's the worst job that you ever had?Working at a nursing home.What's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?The Creature from Jekyll Island by G. Edward GriffinWhat is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?Be able to sit still.What does success mean to you?Seeing my kids learning things.Connect with Billy. Links available below.


Tweetable Quotes:

"You don't have to invest in your backyard. You can literally invest where ever you want in the world." – Billy Keels 


Resources Mentioned:

Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert KiyosakiCASHFLOW for Kids


You can connect with Billy on LinkedIn. Send him an email at [email protected]. Listen to the Going Long Podcast on Apple Podcasts or other podcast streaming platforms.

Learn the 7 Mistakes to avoid in long-distance real estate investing by visiting

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