Crystal maintains 15+ years of design, marketing, and communications experience. Prior to working in CRE, Crystal nurtured Albuquerque, NM’s budding film industry serving as an animator, practical effects designer, and art manager for a local production company. After completing her education, she worked for a non-profit teaching technical literacy and workforce training skills. She moved on to facilitate the role of Marketing & Events Director for several B2B and B2C organizations. Crystal’s expert presentation, sincerity, and consistent engagement have fostered ever-increasing media followings, ratings, enhanced company visibility, and SEO. Her background as a technical educator aids her ability to transmit information successfully and to render quantifiable results. 

[00:01 - 07:14] Digital Marketer

Let’s get to know Crystal BeckettCrystal takes us in-depth to RESOLUT REDigital marketing expertise and her desired career

[07:15 - 26:35] Creatively Successful Marketing

How to Become the Next Successful MarketerSuccess in ArtGraphic Design in Real EstateProfessional Creativity and FreedomWhat makes a digital marketer?Be Google’s No. 1Master Social Media ManagementLogic vs Emotion Graphics or marketing?

[26:36 - 36:33] THE FINAL FOUR

What's the worst job that you ever had?Call CenterWhat's a book you've read that has given you a paradigm shift?Listen to SadhguruWhat is a skill or talent that you would like to learn?Be more conscious in the nowWhat does success mean to you?“Doing all of the wonderful things I want to do for my child.”Putting actions behind your wordsConnect with Crystal. Links available below

Tweetable Quotes:

“Building my own website, it was sort of a combination of everything I loved – layout, and design and video and content all in one place.” - Crystal Beckett

“Personalization is key to specific groups of people.” - Crystal Beckett

Connect with Crystal through [email protected], Instagram, and LinkedIn. Visit their website 

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