This week Shelly and Bella discuss Black Holes, Asteroids and more. Ruth Roper Wylde discusses Ghosts and gives you the opportunity to submit a story for her up and coming book and Richard Lennie discusses a recent spate of UFOs and more on Missing 411.

Thank you to John and Melinda Barnes and Dave Pettibone for your donations to our Buy Me a Coffee campaign.

Links from the show*9vxz1b*_ga*Y3JHUGRoZEVFTmhPLWdpbF85SlNOS05BSmZVQ3F5MlBUYkhWZk93ejkwUjVTTEx5VVFXbE85NHY3Z0VDWnhUUw..

Contact Ruth Roper Wylde with your experiences at
[email protected]

Richards Facebook page to see the videos etc he refers to in the show.

Please help support the show using the Buy Me a Coffee link below.

Check out our website where you can listen to all of our past shows and learn about our guests, send us suggestions for other shows and contact us with a story of your own.

Title music by Bill Blair check out his other work and contact him via his youtube channel

Logo by Heidi from Angelbot3d check out her work and contact her at

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