I'm not usually your go-to source for new movies. But this one is worth your time. The Christmas Ride is a mumblecore (improvised dialogue) film about a ride share driver getting an emotional gut punch on Christmas day. I talked to the producer/director Stefanie Davis, and I hope you'll check it out.

Here's the trailer for a taste:


You can stream it from Amazon (free with Prime) and Vimeo:

Stream from Amazon Prime
Watch on Vimeo ($4.99 right now...help an indie movie out!)

Cool people!

Starring Daryen Ratté
Writer/Producer/Director Stefanie Davis
Bouncy Boxer Media
The film's twitter
Slacker (Craig's favorite old "mumblecore" movie)


"This Christmas Life" by Shane Dawson
"Christmas Around the World" by Be Still This Earth

And the promo was for Holly Jolly Xmasu -- a podcast all about Japanese Christmas music. You'll be hearing more from Scott soon. :)

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