Previous Episode: "That's F*cked Up, Yo"
Next Episode: Freaky Phobias

"Would I Lie to You?" (S1-E13)

The JabberGuys uncover some long-held beliefs that turn out to be myths in this episode of Weird and Wacky World.  Sorry to disappoint… but that thing you thought was true…  nope!

 What?  No Santa Claus?

Beaver anal gland secretions in food? (castoreum)

Is bat guano in makeup?  Nope!

The 5 second rule … bacteria sticks in milli-seconds … “Cha… don’t eat that Cheerio”.

Queex shares his Achilles tendon accident.

Coffee stunts growth?  No proven correlation.  Cha is worried about stunted ‘bone’ growth

Milk is good for bone growth?  … I don’t think so.   


Don’t blame the toads for those warts.

Ron Hull and the emu on Carson.

How far can sharks detect a drop of blood?

The Mexicans didn’t help Ote.

Blind as a bat…. bats with white canes?

A goldfish never forgets?

Women and pheromones …. Synced periods?

Carrots and night vision?     Ote turns orange.

Autobiographical memory… Marilu Henner.

Chewing gum stays in your stomach for 7 years … nope!

Cha’s daughter negotiates for Santa presents.  “It depends on where this is going”.

Don’t swim after eating.  Really?

How much water do we need to drink every day?

Men’s urinal etiquettewhich one to choose?  … and no eye contact!

Does cracking your knuckles cause arthritis?

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