Previous Episode: Kids Gone Wild

What's Happening (S1-E9)

The JabberGuys talk about some of the situations we are all encountering during the COVID pandemic.   Odd behaviour is everywhere.  From hoarding TP to people disguised as vegetation. What!? 

Why are people hoarding toilet paper?

Cha finally finds some TP at Costco…. He thought.

Queex snags some TP on the run at Costco.

The W.H.O. flipflops on the use of video games.

Thankful for Xbox and PS4.

Are dildos an essential service?

Ava Louise and the “Corona Challenge

Strippers deliver pizza!

The new wedding format under Covid.

Public focus on essential workers and health researchers away from celebrities and professional athletes.

Cha is concerned about informing the Amish.

Queex is disgusted with the use of old handkerchiefs.

Afraid of Covid, living in the airport for 3 months.

Man runs Boston Marathon, alone.

Disguised as a bush?

Corona virus and 5G networks?

Where did the virus come from?

Stop the vaccine shipments so I can get my Xmas presents!

Air traffic over the USA!

Bank robber takes his mask off… ??

Activities during the pandemic… getting back into Vinyl.

Gamestop and the Sub-Reddit

Virtual choirs or porn… decisions, decisions.

Curiosity Stream… some great content.

AI and Robots…. Playing Pictionary, Dancing robots.

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