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Fearsome Flicks (S1-E2)

The JabberGuys revisit some of the scariest movies that had the greatest impact on them over the years.  Along the way you will hear about some of the fascinating behind the scenes trivia for these horror classics.  

These are a few flicks from our list of 20 with some links to extra bonus info.  Listen to the Fearsome Flicks episode to hear the rest.

TV movies:
Trilogy of Terror (1975)
Duel (Spielberg’s directorial debut)

 Cujo: (1983)

The Entity: (Spectral rape)

It Follows: (2014)

The Conjuring: (Bathsheba Sherman)

The Thing: (1982 version)

Paranormal Activity: (Ouija Boards)  

Black Christmas: (1974 version)

Alien: (Conopid Fly story from nature)

The Omen: (Cursed Production)

The Shining: (Kubrick and the Moon Landing)

Psycho: (Hitchcock’s 1960 version) (Top 50 villains

#1 and #2?  Listen to Fearsome Flicks to find out all 20 from the list.

Visit for trivia and more bonus content.

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