What can you fill your time with instead of eating?

If you’ve been working on not overeating or emotionally eating and you’ve made some progress, you might notice that you’re not sure how to fill the void that food once filled. This is a great opportunity to reconnect with yourself and the needs you have that you were trying to meet with food. 

This episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians will help you discover what things truly fill you up. Maybe you love sports, reading, drawing, painting, or sewing to name just a few possibilities. 

A word of caution: when you’re no longer overeating, you want to avoid substituting one activity that creates problems for you with another activity that creates problems for you. Those could look like shopping, scrolling on social media, relying on other substances, or overworking. I want to steer you away from things that will leave you feeling empty and towards things that will fill you with true satisfaction and joy. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

Fulfilling ways to spend your timeHow to discover or rediscover things that fill you up inside Identifying what needs you have that aren’t being met Increasing the fulfillment and satisfaction in your life 

Let’s talk about how to fill your time when you’re no longer relying on food!

All show notes are available at  https://katrinaubellmd.com/podcast!!

Resources Mentioned:

Get the Six Steps to Jumpstart Your Weight Loss Free Guide: katrinaubellmd.com/six

Leave a Review of My Book: https://a.co/d/4BwGZ6v

Get the Overeating First Aid Kit now to help you in the moment when you want to overeat or emotionally eat by going to katrinaubellmd.com/kit!