Do you ever feel like no one really understands what it’s like to be in a medical marriage? Whether you’re a doctor or you’re married to one, a lot of the challenges you face are unique to your situation. 

Sara Payne is a master-certified relationships coach who specializes in helping women create rock-solid relationships with the most important people in their lives.  I invited her to join us on the Weight Loss for Busy Physicians podcast to talk about this because if anyone gets it, she does.

As the wife to a doctor as well as a coach for doctor’s partners, she’s bringing both her personal and professional experience to the table. She knows what it’s like and she also knows that there’s a better way. 

She’s here to help you understand what your non-medical partner might be thinking, feeling, and experiencing in your relationship as well as how to ask for what you need, get on the same team, and stop playing the blame game. 

Topics covered in this episode include:

The unique challenges that come from being in a relationship with a doctor Navigating feelings of guilt and shame in a marriageHow to stop placing blame in your relationship 

Are you tired of keeping score and feeling like your marriage is a battle? Take a breath; you’re in good hands.

All show notes are available at!!

Resources Mentioned:

Listen to Rock Solid Relationships with Coach Sara Payne:

Visit Sara’s Website:

Connect with Sara on Instagram:

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