The last time he was on our show, Alton Jones, Jr. told us how much he was looking forward to the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour Heavy Hitters event on Bussey Brake Lake and Caney Creek Reservoir in Louisiana. Did he have a vision? Maybe so. Alton Jones, Jr. scored a decisive win in this event, following up his getting a $165,000 check in the same event last year. Alton Jones, Jr. is a tremendous young fisherman who is on a hot streak right now. Please give a listen to one of the nicest guys to ever throw a lure!
Dan Johnston from St. Croix is back to discuss what newbies we should be thinking about taking fishing? Whether it’s children, adults or people who fished in the past but need some help getting going again. Let’s go fishing!
Shane Wilson runs the organization called “Fishing’s Future.” It is a wonderful organization and Shane Wilson is a great human being who is doing some exceptional things for our sport’s future. Give a listen to a great guy!