Śrīmad Bhāgavatam Canto 4 Chapter 8 Text 21   tathā manur vo bhagavān pitāmaho yam eka-matyā puru-dakṣiṇair makhaiḥ iṣṭvābhipede duravāpam anyato bhaumaṁ sukhaṁ divyam athāpavargyam   TRANSLATION Sunīti informed her son: Your grandfather Svāyambhuva Manu executed great sacrifices with distribution of charity, and thereby, with unflinching faith and devotion, he worshiped and satisfied the Supreme...

Śrīmad Bhāgavatam

Canto 4 Chapter 8 Text 21


tathā manur vo bhagavān pitāmaho

yam eka-matyā puru-dakṣiṇair makhaiḥ

iṣṭvābhipede duravāpam anyato

bhaumaṁ sukhaṁ divyam athāpavargyam



Sunīti informed her son: Your grandfather Svāyambhuva Manu executed great sacrifices with distribution of charity, and thereby, with unflinching faith and devotion, he worshiped and satisfied the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By acting in that way, he achieved the greatest success in material happiness and afterwards achieved liberation, which is impossible to obtain by worshiping the demigods.